News / Yucatan News: Dogs and Weather

Yucatan News: Dogs and Weather

Yucatan News: Dogs and Weather

29 September 2014 News 0

Weather: Rain, Rain and Rain

After the torrential rains of the weekend, it looks as if Yucatan might have at least a short break in the weather before the next group of disturbances arrives from the Atlantic. If you click here, you will get an animated view of the weather that comes from the Caribbean satellite. It includes the Gulf of Mexico, as well as a good deal of the Atlantic Ocean. This way, we can see what’s coming, as well as where it went when it passed us. If you have more, different, or better radar than Intellicast, please leave a link in the comments.

Winter Weather Predictions

Conagua (the National Commission on Water) has predicted that there will be approximately 55 nortes between the end of this month (September, 2014) and the beginning of May 2015. A norte happens when warm, tropical air (headed north) and icy cold air (headed south) meet in the Gulf of Mexico. What happens then is a few days of wind, rain, and cold in the Yucatan. The number of nortes seems to grow every year, right along with the incidence of respiratory illnesses such as the flu. Coming out of this active season of tropical storms, seven or eight nortes per month for the next seven months is not what we really wanted to hear. So, if you haven’t packed your bags for Yucatan yet, there’s still time to pick up a few pairs of sweat pants, a few pairs of warm socks, and thank your lucky stars that there will be no snow in Yucatan.

Mudslide in Campeche

As you drive north from Yucatan, the low hills quickly rise to the height of mountains and, when too much rain falls on mountains that are under pressure from deforestation, mudslides are bound to occur. This is happening now in Concordia, Campeche. Even as the SSP sends aid to the victims of the recent hurricane in Baja California, the need is growing in our neighbor to the north. For those of our Snowbirds and expats who will be driving through Campeche on your way in or out of Yucatan in the next month or so, please be sure to check road conditions before you go. You can check the meteorological bulletins for Campeche and see pretty much what is happening all along the eastern coast of Mexico.

Stalker on the Malecon in Progreso

An unidentified male grabbed a woman as she was doing her morning walk on the Malecon in Progreso. She was not injured, but his behavior could easily escalate and someone could be badly hurt or raped. There is extra attention being paid to the Malecon environment during the early morning hours, but those who walk or run there for exercise say they need better lighting as well. If you ever feel threatened, in any way, on the Malecon, please report it to local law enforcement. In the meantime, exercise normal safety precautions.

World Rabies Day Sunday, September 28

With the intent of stabilizing the population of homeless dogs and cats in Yucatan, the State Government is waging a campaign to not only give strays a vaccination against rabies, but also to spay or neuter them as well. This kind of statewide program has been a long time coming and Yucatan Living would like to congratulate the City of Merida and the State of Yucatan for all they do to help the animals.

Additions to Pet Animal Laws

Usually, it takes several decades for cultures to change even the smallest detail. But Yucatan has been on a fast track into the 21st century for 15 years. Look how far we’ve come!
Current Animal Abuse Laws:
● In effect since June 1, 2013.
● Penalty: 50 to 400 minimum wages, plus jail time
● Fines to increase according to severity and recidivism.
● Jail time: three months to one year in prison for aggression and cruelty to animals, especially domestic animals.
● These laws are part of the criminal code, not the civil code, so they are quite serious.
Municipal Code to be Ammended:
● Any dog seen running loose in the streets is to be reported and will immediately be picked up by the city.
● Owners will have up to six months to prove ownership and make arrangements to keep the dog from running loose.
This law is backed by the Municipal Advisory of Fauna Protection, as well as local animal welfare organizations. This will make Merida a city that can be described as completely devoted to animal welfare. If you ever see an animal being abused or neglected, read this article about Reporting Animal Abuse in Merida to find out what to do.

First Dog Park in Yucatan

If you were in Merida this past weekend and noticed a large group of people walking in the street with their dogs, you saw the second city-sponsored dog walk. This time, however, they were headed for a peek at the site of what will soon be their own, brand new, dog park, with 1,500 square meters of sidewalks, grass and trees that are dedicated to pet lovers and their furry friends, with all of the fencing necessary to keep everyone safe. The Paseo Verde will be separated into an area for small dogs and one for large dogs. There are going to be loads of events in this park for pets and their owners, so do go to see it and plan on becoming a regular visitor.

II World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress Meets in Progreso

Congratulations to Progreso for successfully hosting the 400 attendees of the II World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress. There was a time when only a few very large fishing operations controlled the entire industry; but no more. With advances in technology and a better world-wide understanding of human and employee rights, the rise of entrepreneurship in the fishing industry has been meteoric. The theme of this convention says it all: Options and Opportunities. The attendees enjoyed their meetings at Progreso’s Casa de la Cultura, then a little time to explore all the way to Chicxulub. What a wonderful tribute to Yucatan and to Progreso that the 50 member nations of this small-scale fishing association chose to come here for their world congress.

Congreso y Exposición Latinoamericana de Geologística

This just in: The first ever Latin American Geologistics Congress and Exposition will be held in Merida, at Siglo XXI, on March 18 and 19, 2015. This convention and exhibition will host 300 members and approximately 3,000 attendees. You know that Merida has made its mark as a convention center when the conventions have their own Facebook page, complete with videos that tell visitors all about the event. In this troubled world, there is something to be said for security and tranquility. “Build it and they will come” fits perfectly as a description of modern Merida as an internationally well known convention center.

Animaya’s New Water Park

On the first day it opened, the new free water park at Animaya was a bit overwhelmed, but soon recovered and is going strong. Currently, 350 animals, of 45 different species, live their lives in peace and tranquility, while humans view them from afar. In a few weeks, a second boat tour will begin that will take visitors to safely see the animals. In addition to its new water park, Animaya also boasts a state-of-the-art animal hospital that can house and/or quarantine up to 14 animals at a time. Everything at Animaya is designed for the enjoyment of children and families. If you have an opportunity to go and see the new water park, do invite children to go with you. This venue looks as if it is going to be great fun for everyone.


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