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Yucatan News: Chicken and Gloves

Yucatan News: Chicken and Gloves

14 April 2014 News 0

Police Head to Progreso for Spring Vacation

The preventive security operation, headed by the Department of Public Safety and Traffic, installed all of the police necessary to ensure the safety of residents and visitors from April 11 through April 27. This means that these 7,000 SSP and military officers will be on hand at all events where large crowds gather, as well as operating traffic stops and breathalyzers on land and in the water. With the increasingly massive influx of visitors to beach towns, it is to the credit of the police and the Navy that Semana Santa has fewer accidents than ever before. Please be careful as you drive in beach towns and villages. Children are out of school and may be playing in the streets. If everyone does their part, Semana Santa will be a great memory for everyone.

Progreso: Parents and Kids Fly Kites

This past week, parents and children from the first and second grades at Vicente Guerrero Primary School went to the International Malecon and flew kites of every size and design. The purpose was family togetherness. Teachers noted that many have forgotten traditional toys and games, and that parents and children seem seldom to cross paths anymore. This annual event is one that has the potential to bring families back together, if only for a day. Some call activities such as this a waste of time. Teachers observe that bringing children and their parents together has far-reaching benefits that increase their ability to learn and that has the potential to impact the quality of their entire lives. These kinds of activities occur in schools across Yucatan and the state is much the better for it.

Progreso Eco-Tourism: Camping at Corchito

The Corchito, in Progreso, has been open since 1990, but it has new life these days and offers camping for visitors. There are palapas available and a freshwater stream full of fish. There is a fishing pier available for anyone who wants to go fishing. From here, visitors can see the spectacular mangroves in the area, plus a large variety of wildlife. The Corchito is open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Fees are $25 pesos for adults and $10 pesos for children, and the fee includes a boat transfer. These mangrove developments are not only beautiful dream worlds, but they are also so beneficial to the environment. We hope everyone takes at least one day to rest and relax at The Corchito.

PROFECO Protecting Consumers: April 11 through April 27

There are two branches of the Federal Consumer Protection Agency set up in Yucatan for the sole purpose of protecting consumers during the Easter holidays. One is at the airport and will take complaints about airlines, car rental companies, and other businesses. The second is on the Malecon in Progreso. They will make operational checks in restaurants, retail stores, car rental companies, and several other types of businesses. The hours of the airport office are 5:00 AM to 3:00 PM. No times are given for the office on the Malecon. Yucatan is very serious about treating tourists well and it is important for visitors to know that someone is watching and is there to protect them.

Rotisserie Chicken Sales Up 100% During Easter Vacation

While this news came out of Playa del Carmen, it is virtually the same all across the Yucatan Peninsula. Rotisserie Chicken sales go up by 100%, as does BBQ chicken, while grilled chicken sales tend to go up 50%. No matter how you look at it, vacation is at least partially defined by not having to cook and Yucatan has discovered the key to that miracle is the fine art of cooking rotisserie chicken in massive quantities. This might be a good time to explain to new and potential expats that, if you don’t like rotisserie chicken, peas and carrots, rice, and spaghetti, you will not be able to take advantage of the marvel of an endless supply of great food that you don’t have to cook yourself. This might also be a good time to thank those who stand in the heat and make certain we have plenty to eat no matter what the temperature is outside.

Limón now $20 pesos in Two Markets

Just a few short weeks ago, limóns were off the chart at $60 pesos per kilo. Now, as the second harvest approaches, an array of prices can be found as this product rapidly decreases in price. For those who went into shock at the high price of limon, not to worry. Mercados Lucas de Gálvez and San Benito have both posted prices of limóns at $20 pesos per kilo. All is well in restaurants and kitchens throughout the state.

UADY Glove Guides the Blind

Dr. Alejandro Castillo Atoche, Dr. Luis Ricalde, and Maestro Ricardo Peon, all of the Mechanical Engineering Department of UADY have patented a Multidirectional Obstacle Avoidance System for the Blind. The actual device is a glove with an ultrasonic sensor that operates much like radar on a boat. It allows the user to detect nearby objects or people by moving their hand in different directions. A refined version of the glove will have an electronic system that will give the user the actual distance of objects. This branch of mechanical engineering is called Mechatronics Engineering and is sophisticated enough to produce this glove that operates via sensors that are actually only on the index finger of the user. Well done! Everyone in Yucatan is so proud of these engineering professionals. We can hardly wait to see just how far they can take their project.

Embroidery: Unexpected Treasures in Out of the Way Places

The place is Yaxhachén, Oxkutzcab. The women’s group is “Flor de agua.” The produce is perfect embroidery. These ladies have completed a course in embroidery and have received a grant from The Productive Organization Program for Indigenous Women and the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous People. They are in business and ready to go. While we suspect that their sales will be wholesale to vendors in cities, we can’t resist the thought that they just might want a few individual customers. If you are in the mood to take a bit of an adventure, Yaxhachen might just be the out of the way place for you.

English Speakers Needed for Conversaciones con Amigos

This just in from the Merida English Library: MEL's bilingual conversation group - Conversaciones con Amigos - first started meeting in the winter of 1999 and has met weekly since then. The original group had six participants. Attendance now averages 60 per week year round and often reaches 80. Many of the attendees are Yucatecan college students. CCA's purpose is to provide a relaxed, nonjudgmental setting for persons studying Spanish or English to come together and engage in an "intercambio" -- to help each other with their respective languages. It is not a class or a school, and participants should possess some basic knowledge of the language they are studying. MEL sponsors this activity both to help the individual participants and to "give back" to our local community. You can help us with this effort. We currently need more English speakers to participate. The meetings are on Monday nights from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. If you are interested in helping our Spanish-speaking neighbors practice their English, or if you need to practice your Spanish with native speakers, come and give it a try next Monday night. Our longtime coordinators, Ellie Guidotti and Carlos Arias, will be there to assist.

Red de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes Difusores de sus Derechos

The Network of Children and Adolescents Difuses Your Rights met at Siglo XXI Convention Center to elect their officers. It is the purpose of this group to make certain that children know their rights so that they can be the instruments of change for the future welfare of society in Yucatan. The Governor was in attendance, as were officials of DIF. Yucatan has long worked diligently to foster a sense of citizenship and ownership in children so that they will grow up and become voters who have the best interest of their society in mind. As with any population, the manner in which children are raised and the level of respect they are given is an underlying reason for both low crime rates and rapid advancement. This is a major reason for choosing the State of Yucatan as an expat destination.


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