News / Yucatan News: Fox and Frida

Yucatan News: Fox and Frida

Yucatan News: Fox and Frida

16 May 2016 News 1

Coming Soon: Vicente Fox on Millennium Television

We have been seeing quite a bit of Mexico’s former President Vicente Fox on television lately and were happy to learn that, beginning next month (June 2016), he will be leading his own show. It will air on Tuesday nights on Millennium Television and in a Prime Time slot. The name of the show is “Fox Populi” (clever!) and the former president will be discussing topics of interest to the Mexican people with other well-respected guests.

Frida’s “Two Nudes in the Forest”

This week, Frida Kahlo’s “Two Nudes in the Forest” (also known as "The Earth Itself") sold for $8,005,000 USD, the highest price for any work by the artist so far. The painting was a gift from Frida Kahlo to her then-girlfriend, Mexican movie star Dolores del Rio. The last time this painting was sold by Sotheby’s was in 1989. The opening bidding price then was estimated to be $120,000 and $160,000. Let this be a lesson to us all. If we love the art of an artist, buy it, keep it and enjoy it. Who knows... it might be your best investment yet!

Wildly Successful “Week of Yucatan in Mexico 2016”

This past week, Yucatan literally took over the Sports Stadium in Mexico City and gave the world a look at the unique cultural and business components that make up the more than magical world of the state of Yucatan. Of course, the world could not resist once the opening notes rang out from the Jaranera del Mayab Orchestra and the Folkloric Ballet of the State of Yucatan appeared on the stage. Then came the food, the fashion and the crafts. That alone would have sealed the deal, but more on business and trade ensured that all eyes turn toward Yucatan when considering any kind of business or tourism. Scroll through these photos to see the exciting presentation of Yucatan in Mexico in 2016.

Just Released Unemployment Rates in Mexico

At 4.2%, Mexico had the fourth lowest unemployment rate among the countries participating in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). But those figures were for 2015. Since then, Mexico’s unemployment rate has dropped to 4%. Mexico, like every other country, still has a high unemployment rate (8% - 8.4%) among young people who have not finished school and/or job training. However, in 2015, among adults 25 and older, the unemployment rate was only 3.3%. This is an indication that local governments in Mexico are working hard to educate a workforce that will entice international businesses to come to Mexico to stay. Congratulations to Mexico for earning their place as one of the four OECD nations with the lowest unemployment rates.

Trueke Merida: A Bartering Market

Date: May 28, 2016 Time: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Location: Parque de la Paz
Assignment of Space: Traders will be assigned a space, by organizer Francisco Xavier Ojeda, when they arrive. It is a good idea to bring a table, blanket or rug to further define your space.
Purpose: To revive the ancient practice of bartering and to lessen the environmental impact of consumerism with respect to people buying new articles that end up being either seldom or never used.
Rule: Nothing is to be bought or sold for money. Bartering is to be the only means of exchange.
Articles Acceptable for this Event: books, toys, clothes, perfumes, decorative household items, records/CDs, and pictures, among others. This will be an ongoing event, even if the dates are not always equally set apart.

You Can Help Choose the Seven Treasures of Merida

By now, everyone has heard the news that Merida will be the Cultural Capital of North America for the second time in 2017. That doesn’t give us much time to get ready for millions of tourists, but the city is working hard. On the advice of the president of the International Bureau of Cultural Capitals, the Mayor of Merida is asking citizens of the city to participate in compiling a list of the Seven Treasures of Merida. The project has three phases: (1) May: Citizens submit up to seven proposed treasures of Merida, with photographs if possible, in one e-mail to (2) June: The treasures submitted by the most people will be published online and voted on through the Cultural Capital of the Americas website. The seven treasures with the highest number of votes will win. (3) July: The Seven Cultural Treasures of Merida’s Heritage will be announced and promoted. Merida’s list of treasures will then be added to the Representative List of World Cultural Heritage of the International Bureau of Cultural Capitals. So now is the time to put your own list of Merida’s treasures together and send in your suggestions!

Rally Maya Mexico is Underway

This event is more of a tour than a race. Classic cars take five days to tour the three states of Yucatan, Campeche and Quintana Roo. Vehicles are all more than 40 years of age and compete among their own age groups for such titles as “Most Elegant.” As the cars pass through the different towns, they often stop and assist other altruistic organizations with their service activities. These cars will also be on display at Siglo XXI for everyone to enjoy. In fact, some are there already. Much more information about the route of this rally can be found on the Rally Maya Mexico website.

First International Day of the Marine Turtle Cultural Festival (May 21, 2016)

The Center for Marine Technology Studies No. 17 (Cetmar), Program for the Management and Rehabilitation of Coastal Marine Turtles in Yucatan (Partmacy), and in coordination with the City of Progreso, have collaborated on the building of this festival. The first festival will take place on Saturday, May 21, 2016, in the Parque de La Paz at 4:00 PM. There will be a variety of artistic, cultural, recreational and leisure activities, including talks, workshops and a screening of documentary videos. For the children, there will be costume contest and building sand sculptures, as well as recreational and educational games, crafts workshops, a puppet theater, and live music by some of the students at Cetmar. Building any kind of ongoing cultural festival must be a logistical nightmare. Our hats are off to everyone who worked so hard to develop a festival that people can love and enjoy. These turtles deserve to have a spotlight on their situation and Yucatan is happy to help.

Transplant Dilemma

There are 12,000 people waiting for organ donations in Mexico. The technology is there, as are the expert medical professionals. The individual has formally expressed his or her desire to donate their organs and/or entire body upon their death. The problem is that the family members object and hospitals will not go against their wishes. Mexico seems to be comfortable with living organ donations, then balks when the donor is dead. By donating the entire body, upward of 16 people can receive life-saving transplants, and research that will benefit sick people from around the world can continue. Educating the public about this process is the only road to take if everyone who needs a transplant is able to have one. Yucatan is a leader in Mexico when it comes to organ transplantation and is blessed to be able to provide world-class transplantation services.

United States Resumes Deportations of Undocumented Migrants

The numbers do add up. Since President Obama took office in 2009, the United States has deported more than 2.5 million people, which is 23% more than the number of deportations in the George W. Bush administration. For a time, deportations were halted while waiting for the U.S. House of Representatives to act on proposed immigration reform. They did not cooperate. Now, the deportations begin again. For clarification, these are not mass deportations. Only those who have been convicted of a felony and those who crossed without documentation after January 2014 are being deported. Some are concerned about the trauma suffered by the children whose fathers are deported. Yet, it must be considered that these fathers did not consider the trauma their children would suffer when they chose to commit a crime that resulted in their being separated from their children while serving a prison term. Thankfully, Mexicans now have more opportunities to build a middle class life at home, so the number of undocumented migrants in the U.S. continues to fall.

Governor of Yucatan Gives Teachers Medals and a Raise

This past week, the Governor of Yucatan handed out 555 medals and awards to teachers who have 30, 40, and 50 years of experience. He also gave all teachers a 3.15% raise. It goes without saying that the future of Yucatan is in good hands when 555 of these long-term teachers have a combined classroom total of 17,610 years of experience. A significant part of the success Yucatan is enjoying today is directly related to the dedication of these teachers and we are all deeply appreciative of their efforts.


  • kantil 9 years ago

    United States Resumes Deportations of Undocumented Migrants
    Congratulations, Khaki. Finally you got it partly right.

    >Yet, it must be considered that these fathers did not consider the trauma their children would suffer when they chose to commit a crime that resulted in their being separated from their children while serving a prison term.

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