News / Yucatan News: Eggs and Earthquakes

Yucatan News: Eggs and Earthquakes

Yucatan News: Eggs and Earthquakes

10 April 2016 News 0

Earthquake in Yucatan

This past Thursday, Yucatan actually experienced an earthquake. However, it was so small (2.9 on the Richter scale) that people couldn’t feel the tremor and never would have known it happened if the National Seismological System hadn’t reported it. It was located 19 km northwest of Motul. Back in 2012, Yucatan did feel a slight tremor in tall buildings from a 7.3 degree earthquake that happened between Chiapas and Guatemala. Earthquakes are not normally a part of “natural disasters” we prepare for in Yucatan. Some folks have speculated that perhaps this latest quake is related to the beginning of drilling in the Chicxulub Crater for information about the meteor that killed the dinosaurs... maybe!

Trees For Merida

On April 17 in the Plaza Grande, 500 more trees will be offered for free to Merida residents to be planted. Through the Departamento de Preservación y Conservación Ambiental (Department of Environmental Preservation and Conservation), the government of the city of Merida, the Ayuntamiento, is promoting the planting of 60,000 trees in the coming year. Every 15 days, as part of something called "Citizen Wednesday" (Miércoles Ciudadano), local viveros (nurseries) will provide 500 trees for residents to plant in their yards. Residents who take a tree or two are asked to fill out cards with their addresses so that the city can try to track the plantings. What a wonderful investment in the future of Merida!

Mexican Invents Mosquito Egg Trap

Mexican researcher Gerardo Ulibarri has invented a mosquito egg trap made from recycled tires. After a trial run year in Guatemala, his invention has proven to be 20% cheaper than using pesticides, as well as an effective tool for stopping the expansion of Zika virus, dengue and chikunguna. The next best traps destroy about 2,700 mosquito eggs per month, where these traps consistently destroyed 18,100 eggs per month over a period of ten consecutive months. Researchers in Canada are looking at this trap to help combat West Nile virus as well. Impressive!!

Interjet Flights Between Merida and Havana

Flights between Merida and Havana have finally become a reality. Interjet’s maiden voyage was blessed with an actual baptism (via hoses) on the initial day of the service. Flights will leave Merida at 1:05 PM and 3:15 pm on Thursdays and Sundays respectively. The cost of the round trip will be $2,999 pesos and flights will take approximately 60 minutes. This Merida-Havana connection joins flights from Merida to Toronto, Canada; Milan, Italy; Miami, Florida; Houston and Dallas, Texas; and Belize. This brings Merida closer than ever to being connected to visitors and trading partners from around the world.

Yucatan Shield Program: An Ounce of Prevention

This past week, the Governor began visiting with groups of mothers around the state to determine what they need in order to protect and encourage the safety and security of Yucatan, and especially for Yucatan’s young people. Everyone agrees that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure, but few seem to get around to expending the energy necessary to plan and carry out those kinds of plans. The Yucatan Shield Program, now a joint effort between mothers and the state, is determined to support cultural development and activities that move society forward and allow no time or energy left over for negative behaviors. The rationale is that, if these issues are resolved before they are problems, then the people will be spared the tragedies that modern society often brings, and the state will flourish, socially and economically, because of it. These initial planning meetings are a good start to an always brighter future in Yucatan.

New Mexican Beer in USA Market This Month

According to Notimex, “A new Mexican beer was launched in the U.S. market during these difficult electoral times ‘to promote the pride of being Mexican.’” The beer, Estrella Jalisco, is not a new brand. It has been a favorite in Western Mexico for over 100 years. It will be sold in California, Colorado, Illinois, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Washington. The marketing campaign will be infused with Mexican pride that includes traditional dancing, meals and concerts of Regional Mexican music. Their market niche is huge because it now includes up to three generations, in some areas of the United States.

Mexico’s President and Yucatan’s Governor Visit Germany

Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto and Yucatan’s Governor Roland Zapata Bello are currently in Germany to attend bilateral meetings related to the beginning of Mexico-Germany Dual Year. The three topics that will be addressed, in both Mexico and Germany, will be cultural, economic and environmental. There will also be bilateral exchanges between institutions of education and research. These are very important relationships and all of Yucatan is very proud that Yucatan’s Governor is the only Mexican Governor attending this event with President Peña Nieto.

21st Century Immigrant Groups in Yucatan

This week, the Russian Centro de Epigrafia Maya Yuri Knosrov celebrates its second anniversary in Merida. At the present time, there are approximately 6,000 foreigners who are registered immigrants (temporary and permanent) living in Yucatan. According to official records, the largest group is the community that is linked to the West Indies and Cuba at 5,000 (83%). The smallest group, only 20 in number, is the community of Russians. Other immigrant groups include Canadians, Americans, Venezuelans, Colombians, and others from the United Kingdom, France, Argentina and China. It is to Yucatan’s credit that all of these groups are able to live in peace in this state, and that their cultures are celebrated as part of the fabric of the overall culture of Yucatan. On the other hand, we are not convinced that these are very accurate numbers. That would mean that the remaining 17% consists of all Europeans, Canadians and Americans... it sure seems like there are a lot more of those nationalities in Merida alone!

Yucatan and Anhui, China: Relationship Continues to Develop

As enrollment in Mandarin Chinese language classes continues to rise in Yucatan, so do the number of Yucateco students opting to study at the University of Anhui in the People’s Republic of China. This is in addition to a growing number of Chinese students opting to study at UADY. These young people, Yucatecos and Chinese, are forming the backbone of economic relationships between Yucatan and Anhui that include such industries as auto and aerospace manufacturing, as well as tourism. Following a twinning agreement between Yucatan and Anhui, Chinese visitors began arriving in Yucatan and have enjoyed Yucatan’s cultural events, as well as visiting archaeological sites like Chichen Itza, or coming to groups like Casa K'in to explore Mayan cosmology. It seems that the visit to Anhui by the current Governor of Yucatan and the popularizing of the phrase “something is happening in Yucatan” has resulted in a desire to investigate Yucatan for themselves. Once here, they comment on the warmth of the people of Yucatan, its security, its services, its tourist attractions, and its human capital. Taken together, this defines Yucatan as an ideal location for investment on an international scale.

Marine Park Comes to Paseo Verde

On April 30, the park on Calle 26 x 13 y 15, in the John Paul II neighborhood, will open as a marine-themed park. There will be seven large sculptures on display: an octopus, a whale, a turtle, a manatee, a dolphin, a manta ray and a shark. The park will not only be a play area. It will also contain spaces for a number of artistic opportunities so that children can create their own stories and exercise their imaginations, as well as their bodies. This park is part of the overall planning for insuring that Merida remains as one of the best cities in the world in which to live, work, and raise a family.

Caring for Pets in Extreme Heat

We all know not to lock our pets in a hot car, even for a few minutes, but there are other concerns that we need to think of as well. Most of us walk our dogs on a daily basis. In hot weather, they are tempted to drink out of any puddle they find. Please do not allow them to do that. Carry bottled water for them instead. It seems that the leptospira bacteria grows in stagnant water and can not only kill a dog, but can be transmitted to humans as well. Heat related diseases rise 80% to 90% during hot weather and can run the gamut from epilepsy to heart attack, so do take every precaution to only walk your pets in cool hours of the day and make sure they eat well and have fresh water available at all times. Also, keep in mind that if the pavement is too hot to rest your hand on it for more than a few seconds, then it is too hot for your dog's feet to be walking on it! Walk your dogs early. And while you are at it, leave a small dish of water outside your front door for the stray dogs. They may only come by at night, but they will appreciate it!


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