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Yucatan News: Advertising Merida

Yucatan News: Advertising Merida

2 April 2016 News 0

Yucatan: Jobs Jobs Jobs

Yucatan needs accountants, managers, sales executives, administrative assistants, software developers and engineers. Jobs related to Systems and Information Technology also remain in play. The most common industries making these searches for employees are in the processing industry, trade and telecommunications. Even international companies, such as Manpower and OCCMundial, are aiding in this push for recruitment. When employers were polled, they report that they expect no slowdown in the need for new employees during the second quarter of 2016. If you are an English-speaking American or Canadian, however, these jobs are probably not available to you unless there are no Mexicans qualified to fill them. Still, the news that there are a lot of job openings means the economy is doing well... and that is good for everyone.

Merida Advertised Throughout Mexico

School will soon be out for the new two-month summer vacation and Merida is planning on taking full advantage by advertising to Mexico’s traveling middle class. The city has been building a tourism presence on social networks for some time, thanks to the national tourism agency. Look for the hashtag # VenaMéridaBlanca. Now, the City of Merida is also being permanently promoted on buses, billboards and at bus stops in Monterrey and Mexico City. These permanent advertisements will soon appear in Villahermosa and Guadalajara as well. Domestic tourism has been growing for several years, with lines of tour buses showing up for major events throughout the state. It looks as if Mexico is entering a period where it can be its own best tourism customer. We all wish the domestic tourists a very warm welcome to Yucatan.

New Chicxulub Crater Study Beginning

This month, a scientific team of international scientists will join with local UNAM geologists as they drill 1.5 kilometers below the floor of the Gulf of Mexico to find out more about the effects of the asteroid that fell off the coast of Chicxulub some 66 million years ago. What effect did this asteroid really have on the dinosaurs? What effect did it have on the materials that make up the floor of the Gulf of Mexico? What effect did it have on which way the wind blew and which way the water flowed? Pemex originally found the crater while looking for oil in 1991. Now, their findings and speculations will be included when this study is presented in the Chicxulub Crater Museum.

Traffic Cameras: Eyes on the Highways

A hundred new traffic cameras just joined a State Police (SSP) program to carry out video surveillance on the roads in and around Merida. By the time the program is complete, there will be nearly 2,000 surveillance cameras stationed on highways throughout the state. The cameras are located on arches that span Yucatan’s highways in an arc of three circles. They pay special attention to the entrances and exits into the City of Merida and the ports. This program is yet another leap forward in efforts to maintain the City of Merida and the State of Yucatan as the safest in all of Mexico.

Relationship Between Media and Peace

The Governor of Yucatan has called together over 1,000 journalists to ask that they continue to promote unity, work and respect among the people of our state. The journalists are asked to remember that Merida is not a city of colors or parties, but of the world and of all Mexicans. This meeting comes at a time when media-driven discord continues to be sown in other countries and is serving as nothing less than fuel for fires of violence throughout the world. This doesn’t mean that journalists are being asked to ignore inconvenient news, but it does serve to remind journalists that they have the power to show all that is good about a society, as well as what may be problems. After all, problems can always be solved by people who have the cherished commodity of unity. This is the quality that has brought Yucatan to this new era of productivity and is a key factor for keeping the state globally competitive.

Mexico: One Chinese in Four Lives in Merida

When the Ambassador from China to Mexico visited Yucatan this past week, we learned that there are approximately 4,000 Chinese living in Mexico, with 3,000 in the rest of Mexico and 1,000 in the city of Merida. In fact, Chinese have been immigrating to Yucatan for over 100 years, integrating themselves into the wonderful mosaic that is the society of this state. As with every other group that has come to Yucatan, peace and security – along with the freedom to work hard and enjoy one’s success – are the most coveted characteristics that continue to draw Chinese immigrants to Merida and to Yucatan.

More Than a Billion Pesos for Animal Welfare

There is certainly no grass growing under Yucatan’s feet as she is often the first state in Mexico to jump into the future on many issues... not the least of these is the issue of animal welfare. Twenty years ago, expats’ hearts were broken daily at the sight of masses of sick, feral cats and dogs. Now, the Federal and State governments are underwriting the cost of spaying, neutering, and vaccinating every dog and cat in the state. These clinics have already begun and we can hardly wait to see their impact over time. We love it that there are so many new dog clubs, shows, and classes springing up, even in rural sections of the state. We love to see Yucatecans actually taking their dogs for a walk (instead of keeping them penned up in the patio or garage). Pets, whether dogs or cats, are becoming cherished members of families and revealing yet another layer of love and mercy in the society of Yucatan.

Heat is Rising

On April 1, 2016, a maximum temperature of 41.3 C (106.4 F) was recorded at 3:00 PM in the City of Merida. We want to take this moment to ask you to please take precautions against the heat. The most important of these is to keep yourself hydrated. These kinds of temperatures will continue throughout April and May. With or without a break in the heat, Hurricane Season will begin on June 1, so now is the time to make your plans for that season as well. Plan ahead for heat and hurricane related issues especially for children, the elderly, those who are disabled, family pets, and livestock. Keeping lots of water on hand and learning the fine art of the siesta (sleeping through the heat of the day) are a great start to a wonderful summer in Yucatan. If you go to the Civil Protection website and click on Civil Protection in the menu bar, you will get a drop-down list of instructions to cover all of these extreme weather events.

Summer Electricity Subsidy: April 1 to September 30

The government subsidy for electricity, this year, is between 10% and 30%. To better understand how this works, we invite you to visit Yucatan Living’s Saving Energy in the Yucatan.

Agricultural Fire Chart

Fire prevention measures are online HERE. The chart will give you information concerning where there will be burning in the fields of Yucatan. Please avoid these locations on these dates, or take extreme precautions if you must be in the area.


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