This New Yucatan Living Website
After ten years, we decided it was time to do a little updating, move the furniture around and vacuum under the rug. So here we are with a brand new design... but all the same great content and more!
It's Responsive!
First of all, this new Yucatan Living website will be much easier to see and navigate on your phone and tablet. That functionality also makes it more acceptable to Google, keeping Yucatan Living in the public eye when they are searching for information about the Yucatan. This also will allow anyone who advertises with us (especially if they are advertising in Vacation Rental, For Sale in Yucatan or are a Local Advertiser) to get picked up by Google's search almost immediately.
Read It All
We hope that the new layout will make the vast amount of information on the Yucatan Living website more accessible to our readers. The search function, in the top right hand corner of every page, works really well. Try it! New articles will be highlighted on the front page, with the newest ones in the slideshow that is front and center.
Each category shows the articles in that category, as always. And the list of categories is at the top of every page... easy to find and easy to navigate. There is a lot of content on Yucatan Living, and we'll be cleaning it out and updating it as we go along.
What Do YOU Think?
We have the ability to insert Reader's Polls so much more easily, so you can expect more of those. Just click on your answer and see what other people think too! It's a good way to measure the zeitgeist of the expat community in the Yucatan and we hope to be using these a lot more in the months to come. Why not vote in the poll on this page?
Let's Hear It For the Calendar
Our Calendar of Events is an area of great change and improvement. We will still bring you a weekly synopsis of the events ahead, but at any time, you can go to our Calendar and see what is happening. Do you want to watch a film? Just click on the "Film" lozenge (yes, lozenge... why not? it's lozenge-shaped, not button-shaped) and the Calendar will ONLY show films. Click on the "All" lozenge and see all the events again. Click on any event and see the detailed information, including a map to the location of the event. How cool is that?
On a side note, if you want to publicize an event, just drop us an email to The more events, the merrier! Merida is full of events sometimes, and it's hard to keep track. We do our best to keep track for you, but we only have so many eyes. So if you see something you know your fellow Yucatan Living readers will like, let us know!
More Photos
Another big upgrade is our photo galleries. They are much easier to navigate and see... look for more to come in the weeks and months ahead!!
There are, of course, photos with almost every article as well. When you see a photo, click on it. It will expand and then you can just click on it to page through all the photos in that article. We've now also added the ability to caption photos AND to provide links for a photo, so be sure to click on a photo if it interests you!
Getting Started
Our Getting Started page is fabulous and oh-so-helpful! Are you new to the Yucatan and Yucatan Living? This is the page for you. Have a friend who is considering Yucatan? Send them to the Getting Started page!
A Great Team
The team that created the new website was headed by the Working Gringos, of course. But the people that did all the hard work behind the scenes are Joshua Gatcke and Orlando Paredes. Three cheers for those guys!! They really know their stuff, they work hard and they work fast. They are just as responsive as the website is now... when you need something, they jump right on it. We feel so lucky to be working with them! Of course, Events and News will continue to be curated and gathered by Khaki Young and Beatriz Echeverria, with Ellen Fields at the helm. Ellen will also continue writing articles (like this one!) for Yucatan Living, and working with a raft of guest writers who continue to make fabulous contributions to this website.
So there you have it. Go forth and enjoy the new website. Check out the new features. Email us at info@yucatan living if you see a problem (or just comment on the appropriate page... we read all comments!). We're working on it constantly, but we may not catch everything. So let us know if you see a problem.
Email us at if you want to advertise (our rates can always be found on the Advertise on YL page). And if you just want to say hello or ask a question, or you have a great idea of something you'd like to know about, write us at!
And Stay Tuned...
Because there is another surprise and announcement coming soon!
Lane 10 years ago
The new website looks great! I am finding it much easier to navigate, easier to find things. Lots and lots of good work went into this and it's obvious. Thank you!
Victoria Ide 10 years ago
Fabulous improvement. one of the improvements for me is the background and different print size that makes it so much better on the eyes and easier to read. Thanks so much.
george reyes 10 years ago
I thought you guys had quit shut down ,Iwas very sad i could not find you anywhere. you came back even better. thank you from me my better half, and my little yorkie. love you the very near future i will live in mex,merida im working on it now. I will be a working GRINGO EVEN THOUGH I AM A PUERTO RICAN FROM NAPLES FL.
Elaine Samwald 10 years ago
Gracias! It displays much much better on my iPad mini
Good work team
Orlando 10 years ago
Making this site was an amazing experience :) I'm really happy it's getting such a good reception, thank you all!
Katalina McNulty 10 years ago
You did it! You made the most informative website on Yucatan even more awesome. Felicidades y gracias!
Gloria Garcia. 10 years ago
estoy emocionada y nerviosa porque no llega el dia en que llegare a Merida. si llegaron mis vacaciones y ya quiero estar alla. y disfrutar la playa, la comida, y a mis amigos que me reciben con tanto gusto. me alegra saber de la edicion de Yucatan Living porque puedre ver las actividades que habra en Merida durante mi estancia. gracias por la informacion tan completa.
Les envio un saludi desde Corsicana Texas.
Editor's attempt at translation: I'm excited and nervous because someday I will come to Merida. If I get a vacation, I want to be there and enjoy the beach, food, and my friends who greet me with such gusto. I'm glad for this edition of Yucatan Living because I can see that there will be activities during my stay in Merida. Thanks for the very comprehensive information. I send a hello from Corsicana Texas.
Bill Grissom 10 years ago
You just made the best Mexico newsletter better. Congratulations!
Ellen 10 years ago
Thank you, Bill!!
Cindy 10 years ago
Me too!! Love the new improved website! Congratulations Working Gringo's
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