LIVING / Schools in Merida

Schools in Merida

Schools in Merida

29 September 2013 LIVING, Immigration & Residency 316

When we moved to Merida, we brought along our 16-year-old daughter. We arrived in January and she had five more months before graduating from the 11th grade in California. At the time, we were not very impressed with the public school system in California and were not unhappy to take her out of that environment. In Merida, we looked around for a school and came up empty-handed. Finally, we located a correspondence high-school on the Internet and she completed 11th grade sitting at our desk at home. Though she was able to spend time traveling around the Yucatan and Chiapas - for which she will be forever grateful - she missed her friends terribly and eventually convinced us to send her back to California to finish out her senior year.


Our attempt at home-schooling was probably too little and at the wrong time in our daughter's life to work for her. But we have heard that some parents choose to bring their children to Merida and home-school them for the first year while they learn to speak Spanish. Learning a new language is much easier at a young age and it's debatable whether fluency will be achieved faster in a school with other children or at home with a tutor. There are plenty of English-speaking Spanish language tutors here in Merida. You can find a few recommended ones on this page about Spanish Language Schools in Merida.

Putting the debate about home-schooling on hold for the moment, we have decided to respond to requests we've received recently for information about schools in Merida for English-speaking children. Based on our experience, we weren't too hopeful, but we are happy to discover that things have changed in the past five years. (Or maybe we know how to cast a wider net now, because the schools we looked at five years ago do not seem to have changed.)

First, an explanation of terms is probably in order. In the U.S., we have kindergarten, primary school (usually grades 1-6), junior high school (grades 7-8 or 7-9) and high school (grades 9-12 or 10-12). In Merida (and we believe throughout Mexico), the divisions are very similar but the names have changed. Kindergarten is called Jardin de Niños (literally 'garden of children') or just Kinder. Primary school is Primaria and Junior High School is Secundaria. High School is Preparatoria in Mexico.

There are quite a few primaria and secundaria schools that welcome English-speaking children and who have English-speaking teachers or programs to help them in their transition. There are still few if any Preparatorias, however, that make any allowances for English language students. Here is a list of schools that we investigated. The prices below were established in 2008-2009 and are subject to change. We will do our best to keep them current but for exact prices when you are ready to enroll, you should call the school.


Agora Comunidad Educativa

Phone: +52-999-252–0214
Location: North Merida
Address: Calle 25 x Periférico, Sodzil Norte
Levels: Kindergarden, Elementary (Primaria) and Secundaria starting in 2015.
Cost (2013): Nest 1 (Kindergarden 1): $5,450 pesos enrollment fee and $2,800 pesos monthly for 10 months tuition. (Level 1: Kindergarden 2 and 3): $6,950pesos enrollment fee, $3,100 pesos for 10 months tuition. Elementary (Level 2 and 3): $8,450 pesos enrollment fee, $3,500 pesos for 10 months tuition
School year: Mid-August through mid-July
Agora is a bilingual school with a socio-constructivist model based on competencies children acquire through their lives. They have an extended schedule from 7:30 AM to 2:00 PM. Their mission is to include parents, teachers and children in school to improve the quality of the child's education.


Phone: +52-999-252-5520
Location: North Merida, on the road to Progreso
Address: Carretera Mérida-Progreso behind Chrysler, tablajes 22588, 16688 y 16687
Levels: Elementary (Primaria), Secundaria and Preparatoria
Cost (2013): Elementary: $7830 pesos enrollment fee, $3780 pesos 10 months tuition, plus approximately $3000 pesos for additional expenses. Secondary School: $8400 pesos enrollment, $4080 pesos for the 10-month tuition, plus approximately $3000 pesos per year for additional expenses. High School: $8920 pesos enrollment fee, $4550 pesos 10-month tuition plus $5000 pesos additional expenses.
School year: Mid-August through mid-July
Allianz is a bilingual school following a social constructivist methodology. In addition to regular curricular classes they also teach art, cooking and sports.

American School Foundation of Yucatan (ASFY)

Note: This school appears to have closed. If you know differently, please let us know.

Centro Educativo Piaget

Phone: +52-999-981 48 67
Location: North Merida
Address: Calle 31 No. 144 x 23 y 25, Chuburná, Mérida. They also have a location in Dzodzil.
Principal: Unknown
English Speaking Contact: Martise Brown Spadlin
Levels: Kinder, Primaria , Secundaria y Bachillerato
Students: Unknown
Cost: Unknown
School year: Mid-August through mid-July
We have heard good things about this school, but our inquiries have not been answered. If we find out more, we'll update this listing!

Centro Educativo Renacimiento (CER)

Phone: +52-944-4808
Location: North Merida
Address: Calle 33 #468 x 10 y 14, Fraccionamiento Montebello
Principal: Vanessa Delpech Zavala
English Speaking Contact: Martha Ruiz is the secretary and she doesn't speak English. The school has English Coordinators who can come to the phone to talk with you. Their names are the following: For Kindergarden/Preschool, Lisbet Koo. For Elementary, Elena Ranz. For Junior High (7th to 9th), Cecilia Sánchez. If parents want, they can also send an email to the principal at and she will be glad to answer any of their questions in English.
Levels: Day Care, Preschool, Elementary and Junior High (1st to 9th grade)
Teachers: 12 for each level
Students: 500 in the entire school
Cost (2013): $6600 pesos enrollment fee, $3000 pesos per month for ten months per year.
School year: Mid-August through mid-July.
Centro Educativo Renacimiento (The Renaissance Center for Education) has bilingual classes in all levels. Students have grammar, reading, spelling, vocabulary, math, science and other classes completely in English. The school welcomes English-speaking students, and currently has a number of English speakers in elementary school. They have some Catholic events, but it is not necessary to participate or be a part of the Catholic religion to attend. The website is comprehensive, although entirely in Spanish. It does discuss their bilingual program, from the point of view of a Spanish-speaking student.

Colegio El Huerto Montessori

Phone: +52-999-1961388
Location: Cholul
Address: Carretera Mérida-Cholul, Sin número, Cholul
Principal: Tania Vidales
English Speaking Contact: Tania Vidales
Levels: Maternal, Kinder, Primaria
Teachers: 1 per group, plus teachers for extra activities
Students: 20 per group
Cost: $5,400.00 pesos enrollment fee, $2,400pesos per month for maternal and kinder . In Primaria $5,600.00 pesos enrollment fee, $2,600pesos per month.
School year: Mid-August through mid-July.
While they don't have a bilingual program, they do welcome English-speaking students and they teach English as an extra class. They have had children from the USA, Russia and Germany attending class there. They also teach music, dance, stage acting and art. The enrollment fee includes medical insurance, didactic materials and SEP fee.

Colegio Iberoamericano de Merida, A.C.

Phone: +52-925-2712 and 925-3112
Location: García Gineres
Address: Avenida Colón #196-A x 12 y 14, Merida
Principal: Maria Dolores Rivas Gutierrez
English Speaking Contact: Clare Christine Berry Gilmore
Levels: Kinder, Primaria
Teachers: 18
Students: 300 in the entire school
Cost: $4650 pesos enrollment fee, $2155 pesos per month (primaria) for eleven months per year. $2790 pesos enrollment fee, $1785 pesos per month (kinder)
School year: Mid-August through mid-July.
Iberoamericano welcomes English-speaking students. They teach half of their classes in English, but the main subjects are taught in Spanish. They have associated secundaria and preparatoria schools (see below), which are located outside of Merida on the Periferico.

Colegio Iberoamericano de Merida, A.C.

Phone: +52-999-911-0101
Location: Periferico
Address: Tablaje Catastral 16691, Merida
Principal: Lic. Juan Manuel Arrigunaga Juanes
English Speaking Contact: Claire Christine Berry Gilmore
Levels: Secundaria, Preparatoria
Teachers: 12
Students: 72 in Secundaria, 40 in Preparatoria
Cost: $5000 pesos enrollment fee and $2490 pesos per month (secundaria) for eleven months per year. $5000 pesos enrollment fee and $2600 pesos per month (preparatoria) for eleven months per year.
School year: Mid-August through mid-July
English is taught two hours per day and students are divided according to their knowledge of English. English-speaking students are welcomed. They currently have foreign students in the school.

Colegio Peninsular Roger's Hall

Phone: +52-999-944-5364
Location: Colonia Buenavista
Address: Calle 21 #131 (just down the street from Office Depot)
Principal: Lilia Fuente Moreno
English-speaking Contact: Pilar Gutierrez phone 944-5434 x 107
Levels: Kinder, Primaria, Secundaria, Preparatoria
Students: 350 Secundaria, 300 Preparatoria
Teachers: 40 Secundaria, 40 Preparatoria
Cost (2013): $8610 pesos enrollment fee, $3880 per month in Primaria; $9100 pesos enrollment and $4150 per month in (secundaria) $9100 pesos enrollment and $5130 per month (preparatoria) for ten months per year
School year: Mid-August through mid-July
English-speaking students are welcome at Roger's Hall (This school is referred to as "Roger's Hall" by residents of Merida). There are foreign students attending the school, and some of the teachers speak English. There are no formal classes taught in English and no special arrangements made for English-speaking students. When we looked into it, the school encouraged students to attend a year of school without credit to learn Spanish, and then repeat the grade the next year. There are religion classes but students can choose to take a class in Human Formation in place of the religion classes. There are some English-speaking extracurricular activities in the afternoons. We have friends who send their bilingual children to Rogers Hall and who have been pleased with their experiences there. However, when we investigated this school five years ago, we found the "spend a year learning Spanish and then repeat the grade" option NOT to our liking, either socially or financially. That said, this is considered one of the best schools in Merida.


Phone: +52-999-925-7931
Location: Garcia Gineres
Address: Calle 23 #209 x 30 y Avenida Itzaes
Principal: Zulma Avilez
English Speaking Contact: Carlos Monforte was our contact for this article. He speaks some English. Better to ask for Rebecca Góngora who is the English coordinator.
Levels: Kinder, Primaria, Secundaria, Preparatoria
Teachers: 80
Students: 650
Cost:$ 2100 enrollment fee for Kinder and $1400 per month, $3250 enrollment fee $1870 pesos per month for Primaria, $3550 pesos enrollment fee for Secundaria and $ 2285 per month and $3550 pesos enrollment fee and $2285 pesos per month for Preparatoria for twelve months
School year: Mid-August through mid-July
This school teaches English for one hour each day in all levels. They have had Russian children studying in the elementary school, and they also had children from the United States. The high school is newly built and located outside of town on the road between Merida and Caucel. Their website is the most recently updated of all that we have seen, though none of it is in English.

Escuela Modelo

Phone: +52-927-9833 and 927-9944
Location: Centro
Address: Calle 56A #444, Paseo de Montejo
Principal: Carlos Sauri Duch
English Speaking Contact: Marisol Bolio Perez, Director of English 927-9944 after 3 pm
Levels: Preescolar, Primaria, Secundaria and Preparatoria
Teachers: unknown
Students: 400 Primaria, 400 Secundaria, 500 Preparatoria
Cost: $4350- 5850 pesos enrollment fee, $2150 pesos per month Kinder, $2600 pesos per month Primaria, $2900 pesos per month Secundaria, $3150 pesos per month Prepatoria for ten months per year. There will be occasional additional expenses.
School year: Mid-August through mid-July.
Modelo does not have any bilingual programs. Children receive 3 hours of English instruction per week at all levels. If you shop at WalMart in Merida, you've seen the children who attend this school out on the sidewalk when class is not in session. The school grounds are enormous, beautiful and conveniently located. They will admit children who do not speak Spanish, and Marisol is available to counsel and assist them but they have no programs for English-speaking students. They have had children from the US, Ukraine, China, Germany and Korea. They welcome all students who are hard-working and want to learn the culture here. All entrance interviews and exams are given in Spanish, but Marisol is available to assist and translate. They have one of the better websites of all the schools we have looked at.

Instituto Cumbres and Godwin

Phone: +52-999-911 86 60
Location: Fraccionamiento Montecristo (North Merida)
Address: Calle 5 x 18 No.169 Glorieta Cumbres
Principal: Lic. Edgar Carrillo Cepeda
English Speaking Contact: Yes
Levels: Maternal, preescoolar, Primaria, Secundaria, Preparatoria
Teachers: Unknown
Students: Unknown
Cost: $2655 pesos monthly for ten months (These are prices from 2004. We were not able to get prices over the phone recently in 2013.)
School year: Mid-August through mid-July
Godwin is where we tried to enroll our daughter when we first moved here. We liked that it was a girl's school and that half the classes were taught in English. Math, biology and science are all taught in English. English-speaking students are supposedly welcome. They had several English-speaking students when we inquired, and their students all speak English at a good level. What we found was that very few of the administrators speak English and as we spoke practically no Spanish at that point, we had a very difficult time communicating with them. In addition, this is a Catholic school. If you are not Catholic, you must accept that your daughter will be learning the Catholic religion, taking her first communion and going to mass when requested. The enrollment application had many questions about the church you attend, and when we told them that we would be living in the centro, they were visibly displeased. After that, we were never able to get them on the phone again. Perhaps now that the centro is going through the throes of urban renewal, their attitudes have changed. Or maybe not.

Cumbres is the all-boys school that is the partner to Godwin. They also teach in English half the day and welcome English-speaking students. The schools are next to each other physically, but boys and girls take separate classes. Read the above paragraph for Godwin regarding religion and attitude. These are probably the premiere private schools in Merida.

Website: Website:

Instituto de Educación Progresiva The Workshop

Phone: +52-999-941-8900 and 999-9418901
Location: Col. Ampliacion Revolucion (East of the Carretera to Progreso, north of the Periferico)
Address: Calle 46 # 317 x 19 y 17
Levels: Preschool and Elementary (Primaria)
Cost: $4500 per month
School year: Mid-August through mid-July
50% of all teaching time in Kinder and Primaria is in English, 50% in Spanish. Each group has 10-12 students with one teacher for English and one for Spanish. English program includes writing, speaking, reading and art.

Instituto Moderno American (IMA)

Phone: +52-999-943-0511, 943-5629
Location: San Pedro Cholul
Address: Calle 28 #202A x 23B y 25
Principal: Lucero Cabrales García Conde
English Speaking Contact: Sandra Padilla
Levels: Preschool thru Secundaria, (Preparatoria & Universidad is CELA)
Teachers: 55
Students: 380-400
Cost: $4800 pesos enrollment fee and $1750 pesos/month for Kinder, $4800 pesos enrollment fee and $1930 pesos per month for Primaria, $5400 pesos enrollment fee and $2230 pesos per month for Secundaria.
School year: Mid-August through mid-July

50% of all teaching time in Kinder and Primaria is in English, 50% in Spanish. In Secundaria, about 8 hours per week is taught in English. Literature, writing, grammar and spelling is taught in both languages. They are a part of CELA, which is the Preparatoria and Universidad. CELA is located right next door and information on both can be found on their website.

Loyola Comunidad Educativa

Phone: +52-999-941-5454
Location: North Merida
Address: Calle 35 #299-A x 36 y 38, Colonia Sodzil Norte, north of Gran Plaza
Principal: Claudia Álvarez Álvarez
English Speaking Contact: Jessica Robertson
Levels: Primaria and Secundaria
Students: 24 for each group
Cost: $6900 pesos enrollment fee, $3100 pesos in Primaria and $3300 pesos in Secundaria per month for ten months per year. $2000 pesos per year approximately for other expenses.
School year: Mid-August through mid-July
Loyola was founded 4 years ago by a group of parents who decided that the traditional education that their students were getting wasn't the best for them. They envisioned a school in which students were conscious of everything going on around them and in which the learning was experiential, active, and significant for them. Additionally, the parents wanted to be involved in making the school a better place. They began with the ideas of socioconstructivism and pedagogía ignaciana, which ends up being similar to 'social justice teaching.'

Escuela Particular Albert Einstein

Phone: +52-999-984-3939
Location: La Ermita in Centro
Address: Calle 66 #618-C x 77 y 79
Principal: Adelaida Garribay Limon
English Speaking Contact: Maria Eugenia Limon (speaks English)
Levels: Kinder, Primaria
Teachers: 3 Kinder, 6 Primaria
Students: 25 Kinder, 100 Primaria
Cost: $1800 pesos enrollment fee and $ 990 pesos per month (Kinder). $1800pesos enrollment fee and $ 1200 per month in (Primeria) for twelve months per year.
School year: Mid-August through mid-July
Escuela Particular Albert Einstein has native English-speaking teachers and welcomes English-speaking students. Their program is bilingual: half Spanish, half English. Well, 3.5 hours per day in Spanish and 2.5 hours per day in English (close enough). They have children from the U.S. France and Japan.

Saint Patrick's Kindergarden

Phone: +52-999-948-0985
Location: Colonia Mexico
Address: Calle 31 #144
Principal: Margarita Pesqueira Pino
English Speaking Contact: Cindy Rey, English coordinator. Also, Emmy Dennis speaks some English as well.
Levels: Kinder
Teachers: 1
Students: 50 per classroom
Cost: $1320 pesos per month for ten months per year
School year: Mid-August through mid-July
English-speaking students are welcome. Teachers speak in English all day. There are Spanish books, but instructions are given in English. They do not have a foreign student currently, but did last year. The school is 100% bilingual.


Requirements and Documentation

In looking through our records from five years ago, we came across the Requirements for Enrollment in Godwin, the Catholic school. As an example for planning purposes, here is the list of documents that they required:

  • Typewritten application (in Spanish)
  • Six 2.5 inch square recent photo of the student
  • A family photo
  • Introductory letter, preferably from someone already in the school
  • Original birth certificate and copy of certificate of baptism
  • Letter of Conduct from preceeding school
  • Copy of the student's latest report card
  • Parents attendance at a parent meeting on an assigned date
  • Psychological and academic level assessment report
  • Personal interview with the Principal
  • Development and conduct questionnaire
  • Clinical history (by which we think they mean Medical History)
  • Entrance Exam results

You will notice that all the schools listed above are private schools. There are public schools in Merida, but from what we could learn, they do not make any allowances for English-speaking students.


A 7-year-old friend of ours, who is bilingual, attends Gonzalez Guerrero public school in Santiago and she assured us that she is the only one who speaks English that she knows of, and that, in fact, she speaks it better than the maestro who is teaching English to the children.

You may also be interested in homeschooling your children some or part of the time. For more information on that, and a group of expatriates and Mexicans who homeschool their children, read more about that here in our article on Homeschooling in Merida.

We welcome any comments from those of you already living in Merida who might have experience with any of these schools, or with schools that we have not mentioned. If you know of any schools that should be added to the list, please email us at and supply a contact name. We will do our best to keep this list current and your comments and participation are certainly appreciated.




  • Lupita, (your sister) 17 years ago

    I have a son that goes to Rogers Hall , he´s in high school.. I have these addresses that may help you.. and I only have good things to say about this school. I highly recommend it.

  • Paul McDonald 17 years ago

    Dear Lilith,
    Thanks for the words of encouragement. We have researched a lot of cities/towns in Mexico since we retired. Merida seems like the perfect fit for us so your comments are reassuring.
    If any could give me info on an accredtied school for my kids it would be the last piece of the puzzle. I know I've asked before but I still haven't received an answer. A Waldorf school would be great but not esential. Ay accredited schoolis good for us as long as it is taught in English!

    Thanks again,

  • Lilith 17 years ago

    Dear Paul:
    I don't think none of the posts here are meant to scare anybody out of beautiful Merida, which is, by the way, not only a great place to visit and live as a grown up, but an amazing land to discover how to grow old without stop being a child. Is a safe place with lots of things to do and lots of places around to discover history and nature and science...
    I don't know a lot about schools there for i don't have a child, but I can tell you about the community, and it is a versatile, open and warm one... although it has its other elitist closed square side too.. its all a matter of meeting people and deciding where you fit better, as in every other place in the world... If you are truly looking to live the culture and have a respect for the human race i don't see why you would have any trouble fitting in, even among the only Spanish speaker you'll find lots of people willing to try their sometimes very basic English trying to talk to you and include you in their activities and life...

    Summing up I wouldn't worry about not being welcomed there... instead I urge you to enjoy the weather, the landscapes, the people and all the resources the place has to offer...

    Love Lilith

  • Paul McDonald 17 years ago

    Hello, I have been reading the past few comments and would just like to say that my family and I are just looking for an accredtied school that teaches in english. My family and I Do not speak Spanish yet. We are hoping to fit into and experience the local culture. I truly hope anyone coming to the area as a guest would have reverence and respect for the culture.
    I don't want to leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth,so if expats aren't welcome and are considered to have a negitive impact please let me know so I can find another place for my family.


  • CasiYucateco 17 years ago

    I don't see any criticism. I just don't understand your comments.

    On one hand you aren't sure what's needed, but on the other you are meeting with important government officials for months to improve the whole nation. On one hand you wish to open a school in Merida (as opposed to Japan, China, all over the US...), on the other, you don't know what Merida is lacking. Somehow, something doesn't fit. But have at it! You don't need my approval or permission.

    What I will say does disturb me is the number of people coming from many other nations to proselytize their religions. I've been in aircraft where nearly the whole capacity is one church or another come to "save the natives." Some come from as far away as Korea.

    Come, teach, be an example. But just don't go telling the Maya that they are descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. That has been proven factually incorrect through mitochondrial DNA. (See: 1491: New Revelations of America by Charles C. Mann, or numerous news accounts.)

    What is objectionable - to me - is the subterfuge of "helping" while the underlying goal is changing people's religions, which causes all sorts of family, village, social, and economic strife. Chan Kom Revisited by Robert Redfield is a good anthropological accounting of exactly how that plays out in a Yucatec village which is torn in two. My own friends in Merida have had families torn apart when member(s) joined an evangelical group. Certainly people have free will to do as they chose. But those "helping" often do not see the entire impact of their help.

    The family is all-important in Mexico. Religious strife tears it apart. That's all I'm saying: Don't be about bringin' the strife. People have the right to proselytize. And I reserve the right to speak out against the hidden damage left behind.

    What I would recommend as being the best help -- if anyone truly has help as the goal -- is supplying construction assistance or operational funding to let Yucatan open and run more of their own schools. Economic help to the poorest families is needed so their children may attend school, rather than families needing childrens' work to help support their families due to extreme poverty.

  • Jeremi 17 years ago

    Casiyucateco and to everyone else:
    Wouldn't a new school, private or public, allow for more jobs?

    The reason that I chose Merida is because we have wonderful connections there. The English Academy is the "beginning" of what we hope to make into a full-fledged English high school.

    I think that everyone has the right to dream, and dream big. I have lived in Mexico for many years and I understand why there are so many people that live below the poverty level. Some of my best friends make 12.00 a week--twelve dollars, a week!

    My only goal is to build the people that I have grown to love. I have come to realize that there are critics no matter what you choose to do in life.

    I will be down in Mexico City with my family for another short time (5 months) starting in just a few weeks, and will be meeting with some of the governing officials from all over Mexico trying to remedy the problems that so many people face in Mexico.

    Do I do this because I am asked? NO! I do this because of my family. I do this because I have many family members that are Mexican citizens, as well as hundreds of friends, that are Mexican citizens that want to improve their lives.

    And to those that frown upon a gringo helping out Merida-- why? Why would it be such a horrible thing?

    I just want to help. If I have offended you or your friends, by no means was it intentional.

    Thanks for your concern.


  • sarah 17 years ago

    Anyone interested in starting a Waldorf initiative here?? I will be moving to merida in Summer 2009, and finding a suitable school is tough, although the Agora is the closest to the Waldorf philosophy that I have seen and they have very good english speaking teachers.
    If interested email me at

  • eduardo suaste 17 years ago

    Realmente hablar de lo que le faltaria no solo a la ciudad de merida si no a todo el estado de yucatan nos dariamos cuenta que faltarian anos luz para estar ala altura de estados unidos por eso que alguien se ponga a hablar en un foro de lacking, problems, and what are people looking for, es como caer en el vacio, pues la solucion esta muy lejana de los que hemos vivido en merida no niego que hay avances en todos los aspectos en merida pero lo que deberiamos alcanzar es la justicia social toda la politiqueria deberia trabajar para coartar la brecha entre los pobres 95% y los ricos 5% y asi esas escuelas privadas de paga que oscilan de 150 us dolar a 250 al mes que solo esta al alcanze del 5 % de la poblacion deberia estar al alcanse de todos porque no niego que hay calidad educacional. me despido deseando que algun dia pueda ver esa justicia social para todo el pueblo de mexico

  • Zulai Marcela Fuentes 17 years ago

    Ups! Just noticed a typo on the cell phone digits as I stated in previous message. I REALLY MEANT TO SAY 044 9992 646765.
    Also, I enjoyed strife between readers Jeremy Brewer and CasiYucateco. I must say I am totally in favor of CasiYucateco, for his arguments are clear, and I admire his guts in saying what he thinks.
    Following his example, I would respond to Mr. Jeremy Brewer the following to his three "specific" questions:
    "1. What is lacking here right now"?
    Well, Sir, do you mean in the English language field, or in general. As to the first part of my doubt, nothing really is lacking, with such a wide variety of language schools, both, private and official (talking about higher superior levels as the regional UNAM center in Merida and UADY's language arts faculty), and the huge spectrum of rinky dinky language academies (escuelas patito they call it in Spanish nowadays) to medium level quality and legitimate upper level language centers and institutions, I would doubt there is a real "need" for more improvised so-called academies. Of course free market and laissez faire laws speak for themselves as to the wide array of franchises oriented to practically anything they can actually sell.
    Other than that, what else is there lacking? Sir, many, many things: full-scale employment, sanitary, medical and educational services for the vast majority, better governments, justice, equity and an endless list of issues. Does Angel Investors have a clue about such issues? If so, I'd like to meet them.
    I think the rest of the questions' answers are comprised in the above ideas.
    Buenas noches.

  • Zulai Marcela Fuentes 17 years ago

    I just posted a comment about language teaching, offering my services as TSSl and TESOL teacher and professional editor, writer and translator. I would like to be reached either by email ( or phone: Home 52+01 (999) 2121235 or cell phone 044 999246765. I live in Mérida, Yucatán.

  • Zulai Marcela Fuentes 17 years ago

    I am currently an English teacher at Tecnológico de Mérida. Arrived here seven months ago with my 13 year old from Mexico City. I'd like to teach Spanish to foreigners, either expats, English or French speaking kids, teenagers and adults. I am a published writer and an English-Spanish-English/French-Spanish/French-English translator. Also an editor and a small-press poetry publisher.
    I'd like to open some creative writing workshops, both in English and Spanish, as well as teaching the language (Spanish and/or English) and literature. Guided reading is my pleasure also. Can teach reading comprehension skills and English and/or Spanish for Specific Purposes.
    Used to be a UN officer for WHO/PAHO, ECLAC and UNFPA in Mexico City, plus other editorial, publishing, social communication and public information multicultural endeavors throughout my life.
    Would like to get in touch with people who could help me get familiarized with English or French speaking individuals or groups who could benefit from my services.

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