REAL ESTATE / Houses of Merida - Episode One

Houses of Merida - Episode One

Houses of Merida - Episode One

31 July 2009 REAL ESTATE, Real Estate FYI 41

Behind the Wooden Door

Aren't you just dying to know what's behind those facades? As you drive down the calles and avenidas of Merida, haven't you always wondered what the houses look like once you get past the front door? And if you are in the process of renovating or building a house here, don't you find yourself wondering (about five times a day...) "I wonder how everyone else solves this problem?" or "I wish I knew a more creative or interesting way to do this!" or even "Should I expect this to look differently? or is this just how they do it here?"

We thought as much! We know you are having those thoughts, because we have them all the time. And everyone else we know has them too.

Thanks to the wonders of the 21st Century, Yucatan Living is launching a new series... a video series called, not surprisingly, The Houses of Merida. This new topic on the Yucatan Living website will feature a new three to five minute episode every week or two (hey, this is the land of flojera... we don't want to be slaves to a schedule). Each episode will be hosted by Eric Partney (a local real estate agent), filmed by our exceptionally competent cameraman Erich Briehl, and produced by the Working Gringos. We will bring you behind the wooden and wrought-iron doors to see how people are living in the White City. So be prepared for surprises! The first episodes feature houses renovated and inhabited by fellow expatriates... but that may not always be the case. Our first few houses are in the centro, but that too may change. If we have learned anything living here, we know that the houses of Merida are as surprising, magical and unique as the people who live in them. And so we intend to bring you a series of episodes with a wide range of houses of all sizes, types, colors and locations.

Episode One of The Houses of Merida

When we first moved here, we used to walk by the house featured in Episode One and think how beautiful it might be if only someone would renovate it. Seven years later, we are rewarded with our visions come true! This house has been renovated in a way that shows its original beauty, while still looking fresh and modern. In this case, the facade is as exquisite as the interior of the house. The facade windows are as elegant as the ceilings inside are high, the columns are ornate, and the arches are myriad. The polished cement floors and bright colors lend a cheerfulness to the outdoor lifestyle that was probably absent in the original version of this home. The stone walls and fluted columns are fitting remembrances of the past, complimented by a rich art collection on the walls and functional but European-styled furniture. The photos on this page give you an idea of what the house looked like before it was renovated. You can see that the beautiful columns and arches were in the original home, but pretty much everything past that is new construction.


  • 16 years ago

    When will we be seeing the next episode?

  • Kathleen 16 years ago

    I loved the video and the idea. Could you possibly slow down the filming a tiny bit when showing some of the detail work like the inlaid floors etc? I really wanted to get a better look without having to pause the video.
    Other than that, can't wait to see more, esp. the beach houses and those for more modest incomes.
    Thanks again. :-)

  • Lynn Ortega 16 years ago

    I love the homes in Merida . To get an inside look at the secrets they hold is a treat . You did such a wonderful job showing this lovely home. It is important to note that saving these beautiful places is in itself its own reward. Too live in a piece of history and enjoy the beautiful Merida surrounds .
    Thanks for the peek.

  • Mario Novelo 16 years ago

    Cool look at Merida's houses and what I liked a lot too in this first video was the use of the song "Peregrina" as its musical background. In case you are not aware, Peregrina is one of Merida's most inspiring songs (if not the most inspiring) and it has been used often in many instances when the city government pays homage to the city, so kudos for the usage of Peregrina in the video.

    I also own a house in Merida and while when I come back to live it in a semi-full time I will do some renovations to my house, those renovations will not be extensive (like many expats purchased homes are) because I like the house as it is today (the same way it was when I was growing up on it) but I too often am curious as to how some other Merida's homes look like in the inside and am grateful to you guys for the opportunity to see with my own eyes what I have been wanting to do all these years.

  • Mindy 16 years ago

    For some reason I do not get the option to view the video. This is the second time I loaded the page but the option for the video does not come up. Any suggestions? I REALLY want to view it.

  • shirley 16 years ago

    Wonderful, I wish all canadians could see how wonderful the Yucatan is. This is a true pleasure to view. I spent one month there last winter, fell in LOVE with the people, so much to see and do. The energy there is awesome. cant wait to spend 2 months this winter. Watching this video gives me great joy. Keep up the great work. this really helps for people to see how wonderful Merida and surrounding area's are. As the Media keeps people from going there, unless of course you have already discovered it, you would never stay is just absolutely wonderful, and this video just reminded me of that. See you Dec. 26th....

  • mitch 16 years ago

    Excellent! Hats off to "Yucatan Living" and Lic. Eric Partney!

  • sdl 16 years ago

    That was so well done. The filming, Eric as host, the background music.
    Gee whiz, I am impressed.
    Way to go Working Gringos!

  • Patti 16 years ago

    Hello Working Gringos,
    As I read through many of these comments it appears that several individuals seem to believe that one needs to be wealthy to live this lifestyle in Merida. From my experience this is really not the case. Perhaps in the states this would be considered a wealthy residence but not so in Merida. This type of home is very affordable, for expats, in Merida.
    Thank you for all of your wonderful information provided on a weekly basis.

  • Brian 16 years ago


    Your web site, the information provided within, your use of latest technology is fantastic!!!! A superior research tool for the casual user interested in Merida and all it offers... Thanks-much for your work and effort!

    The application of using video to highlight the architecture and homes of Merida will keep me interested and as such a frequent user and viewer of your site.... keep the images coming!

    Please include in your series... beach homes, commercial properties that might make for a good home renovation, odd properties and maybe some before/after images etc.


  • Working Gringos 16 years ago

    Hello, all our loyal and wonderful readers. Thank you for your kudos on the first of this series.

    We will of course include more modest homes in the series... we have some "in the can" already and more video shoots scheduled. We will be sure to concentrate more on the kitchens. And will try to find photos of the houses before renovation when possible. We will also try to include more information about lot size, architects, etc. in the videos to come.

    Stay tuned!!

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