Interviews & Editorials / Change is coming to Merida too!

Change is coming to Merida too!

Change is coming to Merida too!

23 December 2008 Interviews & Editorials 27

For those of us who supported Barack Obama in the run up to the 2008 presidential elections in the United States, we have continued to get emails from his office, informing us of his progress as president-elect, and calling on us to continue to participate.

Two weeks ago, the emails asked people to get together in small local meetings all over the country to get to know each other, talk about the things that mattered to them, and begin to get organized to be activists in their own communities. As US Citizens, we took that challenge and called out to a few friends to meet.

Saturday, December 14, along with others across the US and the world, we met to discuss our role as US Citizens... in the USA, in the world, and yes, here in the Yucatan.

The meeting was a gathering of an amazing range of people from all parts of the US and all walks of life. We had former dentists, lawyers, professors, architects, airline pilots, lobbyists and sales people. There were people from Illinois (quite a few of those, curiously), Massachusetts, Alaska, Virginia, D.C., Wisconsin, Washington, California and Ohio.

We introduced ourselves and told the group why we had bothered to come to this meeting. There was a general agreement that many of us felt a renewed sense of hope, and an intimation... just a glimmer... that maybe, just maybe, the world might be changing for the better, and we could help it move in that direction. Many of us cited the "reign" of George Bush as one of the reasons why we had left our homeland, but to be fair, we were not all of the same political persuasion. There were Republicans and Democrats and independents... the only thing we had in common was our U.S. Citizenship and our desire to do something good. We also agreed that not only did we want to do something to make the world a better place, but as representatives of America here in Merida, we want to find a service project that will promote the goodwill of Americans in Merida and allow us to share our skills or gifts with our chosen city.

The call for the meeting had specified that the group should organize one service event before the Inauguratin of Barack Obama. That doesn't leave us much time!!

The next group meeting will be on December 27 from 4 to 6 pm, and anyone who is interested in participating is welcome to attend. If you would like to attend, please contact Martha Lindley ( and put "Change is Coming" in the subject line of your email. At that meeting, we will decide on a short term service project to be accomplished before January 20... and we'll go from there. We are looking at everything from blood donations to teaching English to picking up trash to... well, we haven't decided yet! If you have a good idea, email Martha at the email address above with your idea. Or, just come to the meeting and participate.

Change is coming, and we want to be a part of it! Come join us.

Addendum: One of the attendees suggested that we could start participating in government by writing to our Congressmen, demanding that they invoke an existing law regarding corporate excess profits. The law is Public Law 909, 81st Congress, 64 Stat.1137, 1950, Excess Profits Tax. Invoking this law would help the government finance social services and reduce the national debt, among other things. There was, apparently, a similar law in 1945 that brought in 23.3% of Federal Revenue at that time. The law is designed to give back to the government some of the excessive profits gained by corporations that supply the government in times of war. You can also read about it here on Wikipedia.


  • CasiYucateco 16 years ago

    For a nice view of how Personal Income Tax (individuals) has risen while Corporate Income Tax has fallen or remained level since WWII, see this chart:

    Some argue that corporate income tax is paid by the customer of the corporation. Likewise, however, the tax may be taken from the shareholders of the company, should raising product prices not be viable or competitive.

    As the chart shows, personal income tax paid has risen greatly, while corporate taxes are flat (or lower) for over 50 years. And, during the past 8 years, personal income has remained flat while corporate profits have increased 68%. That indicates that the shareholders of the corporations (or their private owners) have had a nice raise while we peons have had none.

    The discrepancy is apparent to any who examine the facts.

  • JAY 16 years ago


  • JAY 16 years ago

    One of the great failures of the U.S. educational system has been their failure to teach basic economics.

    Corporations do not pay income taxes, consumers pay income taxes.

  • Working Gringos 16 years ago

    Actually, Lala, there are plenty of expats under the age of 50... just not at that meeting, as I recall. And yes, I'm 53, and I was at the meeting, along with a lot of others under the age of 70. More and more people are moving down here who are not retired, and not that old. If you haven't already read this blog, you might like it:

  • Lala72 16 years ago

    Was there anyone under the age of 70 at this meeting? In fact, are there any American or Canadian expats living in Merida that are under 50???

  • Shirley & Jose A Herrera 16 years ago

    I do not have the slightest doubt we, the most blessed people on earth, the American people will find the will and determination to solve whatever problems that come our way. We most get rid of "once and for all" that money and the possession of "unlimited" material things is not the road to happiness. We must look into our inner selves and I am sure we ,"sooner or later", will find the "True meaning of Life" !!!!! Hope to be with you soon and, if you do not have one yet, form an American Legion and VFW Post, !!! In the City of Merida.

  • Mave 16 years ago


    Thanks for standing up for conservatives and conservatism. I was hoping there were a few conservatives hanging in the Yucatan and you give me great hope.

    Keep up your spirits. The constitution may make a comeback yet.

  • William galt 16 years ago

    To casi yucatecho: This was a brilliant piece that you wrote. Privatize the profits but nationalize the losses. If I ever run for office, I definitely want you as my speech writer and policy advisor. I am really curious as to your work and education. thanks, bill galt

  • Bob 16 years ago

    Greg, You are right on target. Personal responsibility is the key to self sufficiency, and something you have to look far and wide to hear anyone even talking in our society today. Too many of our fellow citizens have been persuaded/enticed to believe that the individual is not capable of standing on their own two feet, and that they must depend on the largess of the Government for their total existence--cradle to grave. The United Negro College Fund coined a phrase in the 70's (A mind is a terrible thing to waste). Paraphrasing that quote, "A life is a terrible thing to waste", and that is what happens when an individual succumbs to the cradle-to-grave concept.

  • Jacqueline 16 years ago

    Thank You Bob for saying the things I only whisper to my 2 friends here who are not awaiting the wonderful world of Obama. I fear the change people are waiting for, may not be the kind of change they had hoped for. I will say nothing more as I think you summed it up quite well!

  • William galt 16 years ago

    Greg Fryers statement is an insightful and to the heart of the matter about where change must begin. As I am so is my community and nation.
    We would like to hear more of your philosophy .Many thanks, bill and gail Galt

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