Events / Merida Ongoing Events

Merida Ongoing Events

Merida Ongoing Events

31 July 2014 Events 79

For information on This Week’s Events in Merida
Please check our Weekly Events Article
or our Month-At-A-Glance Calendar

Ongoing Events

Monday (Lunes)

Kabbalah Course (Mondays) for 20 Mondays starting in July 2014
Discover the science that explains the meaning of life. This course is sponsored by the Kabbalah Mexico Education & Research Institute.
Location: Centro Cultural Jose Marti / Parque de Las Americas; Av. Colon x Calle 20 / Col Garcia Ginerés
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Monday
More Information: Ing. Vicente Kú May or Lic. Jorge Alberto Buenfil Valencia: Phone: 987-3383 or cell: (999) 904-8677

Conversaciones con Amigos (Conversations with Friends)
Practice Spanish or English with friends. Membership not necessary. The library really needs English-speaking participants, as word is getting out that this is a great place to learn English. It also happens to be a great place to learn Spanish, too, and to make some friends outside of the expat community. Come and participate!
Location: Merida English Library, Calle 53 #524 x 66 y 68.
Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Monday
Admission: Small Donation

Hennessy’s Movie Night
Each week, a new movie. Watch outside with friends while you enjoy dinner or a drink or both.
Location: Hennessy’s Irish Pub / Polo Bar, Paseo Montejo x 61 y 43, Centro Merida
Time: 7:00 PM
Admission: Free

Jehovah’s Witnesses: English Meetings
Location: Calle 50 #231 x 19 y 21, Col. Roma (near Plaza Las Americas).
Time: 7:00 PM, every Monday

Performances by the Ballet Folklorico de Merida, accompanied by the Orchestra Jaranera. This celebration has its roots in the 18th century, when cattle ranching was the main source of wealth on the Yucatan Peninsula. Ranchers held huge fiestas to show off their wealth during branding time. The dances were adapted by the wives of the cowboys and soon developed into the signature dances of Yucatan.
Preview: Monday's Vaqueria
Location: In front of the Municipal Palace (the building with the clock), Calle 62 x 63
Time: The first note of “Aires Yucatecos” begins at 9:00 PM, every Monday
Admission: Free

Tuesday (Martes)

Merida English Library House Tours
The MEL House Tours are the original tours, and the only ones in Merida where all the proceeds go to benefit the non-profit library. Meet at the Merida English Library at 9 AM for a three hour tour of finished homes, renovated homes, homes-in-process and private homes. Enjoy the tour multiple times, because every time is different! Check the website to see when the tours start in the fall.
Location: Merida English Library, Calle 53 between 66 and 68
Dates and Time: 9:00 AM, every Tuesday from October through April
Admission: Members and Guests: $150 pesos, Non-members: $200 pesos

Musical Memories
This weekly dance has been held every Tuesday night since Valentine's Day, 1984. Come out and enjoy the Big Band sounds of the 1940's, performed by members of the wonderful Jaranera Orchestra. Best of all, this is a great place to practice your chachacha and your mambo, or just sit and watch others enjoy dancing under the stars. You can even have dinner at a cocina economica while you watch!
Preview: A Salsa Night in Parque de Santiago
Location: Parque de Santiago, Calle 72 x 59
Time: 8:30 PM, every Tuesday
Admission: Free

French Afternoons at Negrita Cantina
French conversation for all levels, with support by the French Alliance of Merida. This is the place to come and enjoy either learning or practicing new French language skills or, for those for whom French is their native language, to enjoy the familiar sounds of home.
Location: La Negrita Cantina, Calle 62 x 49, Barrio de Santa Ana, Centro
Time: 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, every Tuesday
Admission: $30 pesos, space limited to 15

Chelem: Tuesday Farmer’s Market
Hosted by Artistas de la Playa and Masai Maya Bistro. Fruit, vegetables, baked goods, handicrafts, art, children’s activities, entertainment.
Location: at the left of the 1st tope in Chelem
Time: 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM, every Tuesday
Admission: Free but be prepared to shop and eat!

Wholefood Market
Location: on the highway between Chelem and Churburna, beside Natural Thangs Garden Center on Graciella's beautiful property. Available every week, food, as well as jewelry, blankets, trinkets, etc.
Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, every Tuesday
Admission: Free but be prepared to shop and eat!

Merida Men's Club
This is a multi-national English-speaking group whose members live in or near Merida, Yucatan. They meet for coffee, breakfast and friendly conversation. Speakers are invited to address the group on topics of interest. No dues. No officers. No bylaws.
Location: Main Restaurant at the Hyatt Hotel, Calle 60 x Av. Colon
Time: 8:00 AM to about 9:30 AM, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays and 5th Tuesday if there is one.
Admission: Donation plus buffet is $130 pesos. Bring a friend!
Donations Support: Chicxulub Food Bank and Kids Breakfast Program of Cholul.
Additional Information: Roger Bowie at 924-6792 or Dan Ninburg at 928-2878.

AA Steps Meetings in English
Time: 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM, every Tuesday
Location: Calle 53 #524 x 66 y 68, Centro
Admission: Donation
Contact: or (999) 924-8401

Curry Night at Hennessy's
Home made curry dishes cooked by the man himself, Sean Hennessy. Reservations almost certainly required.
Location: Hennessy's Restaurant on Paseo de Montejo
Dates and Time: 8:30 PM, every Tuesday
Admission: $250 pesos for all you can eat.

Wednesday (Miércoles)

Al-Anon Meeting in English
Location: Merida English Library, Calle 53 #524 x 66 y 68
Time: 5:30 to 6:30 PM, every Wednesday
Admission: Donation

Movie or Documentary
Each week, a new and interesting movie. Check our weekly events listing for the movie this week! Or check their website.
Location: LA 68, Calle 68 at Calle 55, Centro
Time: 9:00 PM, every Wednesday
Admission: $30 pesos, $15 pesos students

Thursday (Jueves)

To Remember is to Live
This is a dance that begins early and ends at a reasonable hour. Music is provided by the Jaranera Orchestra, with their signature Big Band sound. It was originally intended as an entertainment venue for older dancers, but lots of other folks use it as yet another opportunity to perfect their dance steps.
Location: Parque Zoologico del Centenario (The Zoo), Calle 59 x Avenida Itzaes
Time: 4:00 PM, every Thursday
Admission: Free

AA Discussion Meetings in English
Location: Calle 53 #524 x 66 y 68, Centro
Time: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM, every Thursday
Admission: Donation
Contact: or (999) 924-8401

Movie at Cairo Cinema Cafe
2 movies are shown. Check our weekly events listing for the titles or check their website.
Location: Cairo Cinema, Calle 20 #98A x 15 y 17 Colonia Itzimná
Time: 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM, every Thursday
Admission: $30 pesos, includes popcorn and $50 pesos for both movies.

Serenata Yucateca (Yucatecan Serenade)
This is the defining serenade of Merida and has been performed every Thursday night for over 40 years. Parque Santa Lucia, home to the Altar to Trova is the center of Merida's romantic heart. If you are a visitor, make sure to see this particular serenade. It is well worth becoming a part of your first memory of Merida.
Preview: Trova and Merida with Los Juglares
Location: Parque de Santa Lucia, Calle 60 x 55
Time: 9:00 PM, every Thursday
Admission: Free

Movie or Documentary
Each week, a new and interesting movie. Check our weekly events listing for the movie this week! Or check their website
Location: LA 68, Calle 68 at Calle 55, Centro
Time: 9:00 PM, every Thursday
Admission: $30 pesos, $15 pesos students

AA Meeting in English
Location: Merida English Library, Calle 53 #524 x 66 y 68
Time: 7:00 PM, every Thursday

Friday (Viernes)

Denis Lafoy’s TGIF
This is the party sponsored by Yucatan Trails Travel Agency and held in Hennessy's Bar on all First Friday nights. It is a time to visit with old friends and make new ones.Botanas (snacks) are provided.
Location: Hennessy’s Restaurant, Paseo Montejo #486 x 41 y 43, across the street from the Anthropology Museum
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, first Friday of the month
Admission: Free (cash bar)

Weekly Language Exchange
Every Friday in Hotel Campestre there is a language exchange. The comfortable setting is very peaceful, on the terrace, with great coffee. If you want to meet new friends, practice foreign languages, and have great time, please do come and join this group. There is someone new at every meeting, so don't be afraid to come alone. Find out more at this meet-up group, Merida Language Exchange Meetup.
Location: Hotel Campestre, Calle 1d No. 248 x 36 y Prol. Montejo, Fracc. Campestre,
Time: 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM, every Friday
Admission: Free

Movie or Documentary
Each week, a new and interesting movie. Check our weekly events listing for the movie this week! Or check their website.
Location: LA 68, Calle 68 at Calle 55, Centro
Time: 9:00 PM, every Friday
Admission: $30 pesos, $15 pesos students

Movie at Cairo Cinema Cafe
2 movies. Check our weekly events listing for the titles or check their website.
Location: Cairo Cinema, Calle 20 #98A x 15 y 17 Colonia Itzimná
Time: 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM, every Friday
Admission: $30 pesos, includes popcorn and $50 pesos for both movies.

This is a chance for the locals to meet the ‘extranjeros’ in a casual setting in the gardens at MEL. There is a cash bar and great botanas (snacks). Please join us for this sociable evening… meeting old friends and making new ones! If you want to know more, call the Library at 999-924-8401.
Location: Merida English Library, Calle 53 #524 x 66 y 68
Time: 7:30 PM, every Third Friday
Admission: Free

Merida Jewish Circle Weekly Services
Friday morning shacharit services, some social events. For information and a weekly email with candle lighting times and more, write Alan or Ken at
Location: To be sent by e-mail
Time: To be sent by e-mail
Admission: Free

Saturday (Sabado)

Tours of the Cathedral in English

The tour includes the choir loft, the north belltower, parts of the roof and more! This news is very exciting because these spaces were previously off limits. We often forget that we live with the second oldest Cathedral in the New World, the Cathedral of San Ildefonso. Merida’s cathedral is built on top of the Mayan city of T’ho. Many of the stones used in the construction of the cathedral and other old structures in Merida were taken from the temples of this ancient city. Some of us pass the Cathedral every day and hardly take notice of it anymore. These tours will be a way for English speakers to learn more about the Cathedral and better appreciate its role in the history of Yucatan.
Time: The tour in English is on Saturdays at 10:00 AM. The tour in Spanish is on Saturdays at 4:00 PM.
Admission: $50 pesos per person with tickets available inside the main doors of the Cathedral.

Operas at the Movies
Operas are presented on the first Saturday of every month. This has become one of the most well attended events in the City and we hope to see everyone there!
Location: Movie theatre at the Mundo Maya Museum by Siglo XXI
Time: Brief opera talk 11:30 AM, Opera begins 12:00 PM, every Saturday
Admission: Free

Movie or Documentary
Each week, a new and interesting movie. Check our weekly events listing for the movie this week! Or check their website.
Location: LA 68, Calle 68 at Calle 55, Centro
Time: 9:00 PM, every Saturday
Admission: $30 pesos, $15 pesos students

International Women’s Club Breakfast
The IWC holds a non-host breakfast that is open to both members and to potential members. You can read about the IWC here and check their calendar.
Location: Tecnologica Turistica Total, Calle 57 #492 x 56 y 58 in Merida centro
Time: 9:30 AM to Noon, last Saturday of every month except December, July & August
Admission: Free

Slow Foods Farmer’s Market
Organic produce, organic eggs, organic coffee, miscellaneous organic goods, cut flowers and potted plants, artisanal cheeses, ethnic foods homemade baked goods, homemade pasta, sauces, dips, preserves, organic honey, organic meats and much more! A great place to meet fellow expatriates as well.
Location: Avenida Reforma (Calle 72) x Avenida Colon, García Ginéres
Time: 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM, every Saturday
Admission: Free

Mérida Mens Club
No dues and no officers - just great camaraderie, wonderful speakers, and loads of information about subjects of general and local interest. The Merida Men’s Club is a multi-national, English-speaking group that meets for coffee, breakfast and friendly conversation. For more information, contact Dan Ninburg (928-3866) or Roger Bowie (924-6792). You can also contact Dan via e-mail at: bushninburg yahoo com
Location: Different locations
Time: 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM, last Saturday of every month
Admission: Free (bring a friend)

Noche Mexicana
Each Saturday night, there is a performance on an outdoor stage at the beginning of Paseo de Montejo, often from a musical or dance group from another part of Mexico. Chairs are set up for the audience, but there is often standing room only. Booths selling food and handicrafts are set up in the park. The purpose of this performance is to bring all of Mexico to Merida and to our tourists from all over the world.
Location: At the beginning of Paseo de Montejo, at the Remate (corner of Calle 47)
Time: 8:00 PM, every Saturday
Admission: Free

En El Corazón de Mérida (In the Heart of Merida)
Live music, including jazz, salsa and trova, held on various stages around the Plaza Grande. Many of the streets leading to the Plaza are closed to all but foot traffic, and the restaurants and bars put their chairs and tables outside in the streets. This is a night designed for that Saturday night date, but they’ve got all of the shops open for business too.
Location: Plaza Grande, Calle 61 at Calle 60
Time: 9:00 PM to 2:00 AM, every Saturday
Admission: Free

Movie at Cairo Cinema Cafe
2 movies. Check our weekly events listing for the titles or check their website.
Location: Cairo Cinema, Calle 20 #98A x 15 y 17 Colonia Itzimná
Time: 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM, every Saturday
Admission: $30 pesos, includes popcorn and $50 pesos for both movies.

Sunday (Domingo)

The Bici-Ruta begins early, at 8:00 AM, though we see them setting up as early as 7:00 AM. It ends at 12:30 PM. The route usually begins at Ermita de Santa Isabel, with stops at Monumento a la Patria, Paseo de Montejo x 33 y Ave. Cupules, Paseo de Montejo x 29, Paseo de Montejo x Ave. del deportista, and Paseo de Montejo x 42. Along the way, participants can participate in health education programs, music and dancing, art and sculpture classes, soccer games and more. If anyone wants to pick up a chess game, one can be found on the sidewalk outside the Museum of Anthropology on Paseo de Montejo at 9:00 AM. There is a complete listing of activities (they change weekly) on the Bici-Ruta website.
Location: Begins at Parque de la Ermita, runs through the Plaza Grande and ends at the glorietta on Prolongacion Paseo de Montejo (by Burger King), also in Ciudad Caucel around Animaya/
Time: 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM, every Sunday
Admission: Free

Merida En Domingo
Sunday downtown is a spectacular tradition in Merida. Start at the center of the city, where booths are set up all the Plaza Grande. Inside the plaza, you can find huipiles, guayaberas, honey, dolls, bags, tee-shirts and more. Everything is made for sale by the local people of Yucatan. The outer ring of booths sell food, such as marquesitas, tacos, cochinita, ice cream (try the coconut), fruit, drinks, etc. If the crowd starts to get to you, wander up Calle 60 to Santa Lucia Park, at Calle 55, where you can also find antiques, old books and other curiosities. At that lovely park, there is also live music, lots of dancing, and more great food.
Location: in the Centro Historico: Plaza Grande, Parque Santa Lucia (Cale 60 x 55) and MACAY Museum (Calle 60 x 61 y 63).
Time: 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, every Sunday
Admission: Free

Movie at Cairo Cinema Cafe
2 movies. Check our weekly events listing for the titles or check their website.
Location: Cairo Cinema, Calle 20 #98A x 15 y 17 Colonia Itzimná
Time: 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM, every Sunday
Admission: $30 pesos, includes popcorn and $50 pesos for both movies.

Sunday Art on Paseo de Montejo
Every Sunday there are artists displaying and selling their fine art along Paseo Montejo. There are usually 20 or more artists showing their paintings, drawings, sculptures, prints and more. This is your chance to meet the artists, see what’s new and maybe pick up something great for those big empty walls in your new renovated home in Merida or that house by the beach.
Location: Paseo de Montejo in front of VIPS (on the southeast corner of Avenida Colon, across from WalMart)
Time: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, every Sunday
Admission: Free

English Church Services
All denominations welcome.
Location: The church, Presbyterian Iglesia Jesus, is located in Progreso on the corner of Calle 35 and Calle 80. Traveling from Merida to Progreso, cross over the Chixculub Telchac highway (passing Aurrera Bodega supermarket on the right). Take a left onto Calle 35, cross over Calle 80 and the church is on the left side on the corner of Calle 35 and 82.
Time: Service is at 8:30 AM, every Sunday.
For further information: Call or email bilingual Pastor David Correa (969) 935-1678 or email

Cathedral Mass in English
The Mass includes all Protestant denominations and Catholics. Two priests, alternating weekly, are sharing the provision of services. Some of those attending mass in English go to breakfast after the service and everyone is welcome to join in.
Location: In the North facing chapel to the left of the big altar in the main Cathedral on the Plaza Grande.
Time: 9:00 AM, every Sunday

Merida: Jehovah's Witnesses English Services
Location: Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, Calle 50 #231 x 19 y 21, Colonia Roma (near Plaza Las Americas)
Time: 9:00 AM, every Sunday
Admission: Public is welcome, No collections. See for more information.

For information on This Week’s One-Time Events in Merida
please check our Weekly Events Calendar

If you know of a regular ongoing event in Merida and the surrounding area that you think should be included here, please email us at


  • Tom Arsenault 15 years ago

    We are considering a move to Merida area and plan to spend a month there to see how we like it before buying. We are planning from Nov 25 to Dec 25 but are flexible. Does anyone know of a nice but small house for rent for the month? It must have AC and high speed internet and a parking space. There are only the two of us so we don't need a mansion.

  • Working Gringos 16 years ago

    If you contact Anny at, she can get you in touch with the Tango teacher.

  • Working Gringos 16 years ago

    What a great idea! We have no lack of great ideas for this site... but we do lack the time to implement most of them.

    It would be lovely if this entire site could be in many languages, but for now, it is targeted to English speakers. If you want to read it in another language, you can always use the Google translation tool:

  • caisson marie-line 16 years ago

    super votre site mais pourquoi pas une traduction en espagnol et en français ????

  • maria carella 16 years ago

    Is it possible to contact the Tango teacher by email? I will be in Merida in January and would like to find out more about the classes.

  • Yucatan Living - Merida Events: Oaxaca comes to Merida! 16 years ago

    [...] are interesting events for the week to come. We also, of course, have a complete listing of the Ongoing Classes and repetitive events in our Ongoing Events [...]

  • el_toloc 16 years ago

    Working gringo,

    Although I have no idea when your answer to "Mario" was posted, it must be said that "Merida Insider" is no longer an option (for expat help) since the site no longer exists, but another site "Yolisto" ( has surfaced where similar help is provided (although I must say, at least today yolisto seems to be out of order). I sure hope this site has not suffered the same fate as Merida Insider because it would be a shame to lose 2 such sites in such a short time.

  • anna 16 years ago

    hi, one comment on your 'Classes: Sign Up for Yoga, Dance, Meditation and More…'

    the center 'at pure fitness' does not exist anymore. I went there, following the instructiones found here, and the place was closed down.

  • Barbara Logan 16 years ago

    Will be in Merida during the month of February. Does anyone know of a Racquetball facility in the city?

  • Yucatan Living - Merida Events: Donate, Listen and Dance! 16 years ago

    [...] For ongoing events and classes in Merida, please click our NEW Ongoing Events Page!! [...]

  • Yucatan Living - Merida Events: Come Watch the Birds! 16 years ago

    [...] For ongoing events and classes in Merida, please click our NEW Ongoing Events Page!! [...]

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