

7 November 2006 LIVING 12

Every other day or so, when we arrive at our office in the morning or come home at night, one or more bits of paper are either slipped into the door or under the door or between the doors. These are advertisements. Often, they are highly-produced and brightly colored flyers selling pizza or fast food; other times they are Xeroxed notes from local entrepreneurs hawking their services for housecleaning or pest control.

Tonite when we came home, we found a white slip of paper with bold lettering that totally charmed us, so we thought we would share it with you. We would like to point out that the entire note is the first we've seen written in English (sort of), so they must know that gringos live here. Yet another sign of the market adaptations and social changes happening in Merida these days.

The note reads (exactly):


If we say that your fire has not repair, we have all for your stovens, fires.

  • Maintenance yearly
  • Valves (keys)
  • Burners.
  • Pilot light.
  • Leak.
  • Electric system.
  • Doors of ovens.
  • Protection against mouses.

Note: We give service to home and warranty.

Phone: 923-70-86. Celular - 044-9991-91-32-84.

Street: 66 # 430 x 49 y 47a. Col. Centro. Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.

Actually, we were more than charmed by this note, because we've been living with a finicky electrical starter on our "stoven" for quite some time. So tomorrow, you know who we're gonna call.



  • Khaki 18 years ago

    What a precious note... and how homesick it makes me. Am stuck in a "lap of luxury" "gated community" in the States... so the stoven repair man would never have gotten past the gates. Nobody up here understands why I love Yucatan so... It's really quite simple... because we have no stoven repair man here.

  • Joseph 18 years ago

    Who you gonna call?


    I always wanted to say that :P

    I'm proud to see "my people" reaching out and trying to learn a foreign language to take some advantage of this immigrant gringo invasion.

    I always knew that day would come. That's why I studied English since I was a little bear cub... so when the invitation comes I can say:

    "Welcome to Merida!!! I'll buy the first round!!!"

    :D :D :D

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