COMMUNITY / Missing Gringo Comforts

Missing Gringo Comforts


Missing Gringo Comforts

13 November 2005 CULTURE, LIVING, COMMUNITY 37

Today is a quiet, lazy day... a perfect Sunday. There's been tropical and cool rain for the last hour (after we watered the garden this morning, of course). Right before it started to rain, we had returned from a typical gringo morning: breakfast at Segafreddo's Italian coffee shop and shopping at Costco. We saw no fewer than seven people we knew there. All those price comparisons for big flat screen TV's has exhausted us, so one of us is taking a siesta. The other one is using the laptop computer over the new wireless DSL that we got installed at home TWO days after ordering it! That must be some kind of Telmex service record... and it would be hard for Pacific Bell or some other US telephone company to beat, too.

On the way home from Costco, we were remarking how many things we used to think of as "missing" from Merida when we first moved here. It seemed like there were so many things from the U.S. that we couldn't get here. But now, it just doesn't seem that way anymore. It does seem like the things we really need (DSL service, car repair, insurance, etc.) are as good or better here. And the things that aren't here maybe aren't that important anymore. (Is sourdough bread really that important?)

(don't answer that...)

...well, there just aren't that many of those things anymore. We can even get organic milk and Pop Tarts here.

Update (3/08/2006): we recently found sourdough bread at Mega...
Update (3/04/2007): there is now sourdough at Mega and Costco (neither are that good though) but PopTarts have mysteriously disappeared from the Peninsula. Organic milk, on the other hand, is everywhere. So it goes...


  • Working Gringos 19 years ago

    OK, Working Gringa here. I'm pretty sure that when an organic beverage says "tea", somewhere in that drink is a liquid that has been steeped in tea leaves. There are drinks that add sugar and fruit and stop resembling tea after awhile, I agree. Organic milk means that the cows have not been given meat byproducts in their meal (you laugh, but it happens) and also that they have not been given steroids or antibiotics, many of which show up later in the milk, and that nothing has been added to the milk. Organic doesn't mean means "no chemicals". Or at least that is my granola-crunching, former hippie, deadhead fruitcaky California understanding of the situation.

  • Robert 19 years ago

    Then if its organic, it must not be milk, right? To me its like saying "turkey ham"--no such thing or calling some of the organic beverages "tea". Tea is really only made from a tea leaf, am I wrong?

  • Working Gringos 19 years ago

    Why thank you! We love fruitcake...

  • jerry 19 years ago

    organic milk? now i know where some of the fruitcakes from california have migrated to.

  • Working Gringos 19 years ago

    Update! Mega now has organic boxed milk.

  • Working Gringos 19 years ago

    Organic boxed milk by Aire de Campo (as well as organic apple juice) can currently be found in a special "diet" or "healthy" section at Walmart. Its up near the stationery and book section, of all places.

    and no, i haven't seen rice milk. but they do have soy milk, without sugar, now as well.

  • Anonymous 19 years ago

    and just where did you find organic milk?? have you ever seen rice milk..not that concentrated stuff they sell in the stores but rice milk like soya milk??

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